
Es werden Posts vom Juli, 2023 angezeigt.

The four sacred rivers in the Torah

Regarding the four hl. rivers, the Torah sais as follows: “And a river went out from Eden to water the garden; from there it divided and became four rivers. The first is called Pishon; it is the river who encircles all the land of Havilah where the gold is. The gold of that land is good; there is also bdellium and the precious stone onyx. The second river is called the Gihon; it is the river that flows around the whole land of Cush. The third river is called the Tigris; it flows east of Assyria. The fourth river is the Euphrates” (Genesis 2:10-14). Here is the interpretation of it: “And a river went out from Eden to water the garden” The river: The lunar axis or the tidal power of the moon The garden Eden: The planet earth Watering the garden: Development of the spiritual creative power of the earth "from there it divided and became four rivers" The river that divided: The creative power of earth that now unfolds the blueprint of life. The four rivers: The four rivers here st

Etz Chaim

In this thesis, the term "Etz Chaim" can have two meanings. First Meaning: "Tree of Life": This describes the evolutionary stages of life on earth. The Sefirot of the Tree of Life: Its Sefirot represent stages of evolution of higher-evolved life. Scope of its laws: The scope of the "Tree of Life" is the entire near-earth area. Second meaning: "tree of souls": In synagogues there are tree representations whose leaves represent the names of living or deceased members. Such a representation shows, in my view, the "tree of souls". The spiritual creative power of the earth brings a soul back there after death. The dying person sometimes experiences this process as ' being pulled out of the body'. The Sefirot of the Soul Tree: The Sefirot of this tree indicate areas in which the souls collect after death.(~celestial spheres). Scope of its laws: The scope of the soultree also fills the entire near-earth area. (Shown as a gray circle ar

Jewish Wedding: The covering of the bride's head

Thoughts on the fully veiled bride: Before the Big Bang: Ain Sof in the state of Tzimtzum The primordia magnetic monopole and its YIN brane (Bhan or Thu) Kether (Crown of Creation) The World Mountain After the Big Bang: “ The Heaven and the earth ” in Genesis Spiritual creative power of planet earth This power was created by the gravitational force (Zimzum) whereby the spirit in matter (Ain Sof in its Qliphot) transcended and elaborated the capability to form life out of matter. Spiritual force in our genes Kundalini Shakti Yoni Lingam Kind regards, Hubert R.


In this thesis, the Mezuza represents the evolution of life here on earth. A few further thoughts: The Sefirot on the tree of life stand for certain stages of evolution. Archetypes of advanced life: plants, insects, reptiles, mammals, humans The paths on the tree of life stand for the path of life. Kether stands for the highest level of evolution --> the emergence of modern man. The entire evolutionary process represents Tikkun Olam , the repair of the spiritual world. The world of Ain Sof, which was locked into its qliphot, the atomic nucleus, by the Big Bang. The writing capsule in the Mezuza The laws of evolution of life. Kind regards, Hubert R.

Or Hayim (Light of life)

"And G'd said let there be light, and there was light." In this thesis, the sentence: " and G‑d said let there be light... " describes the moment when the first forms of life emerged here on earth. G‑d stands for the spiritual creative power of the earth. Kind regards, Hubert R.

Aron HaKodesch

Reflections on the term 'Aron HaKodesch' (holy shrine with the laws of creation): Ain Sof in the state of Tzimzum The presumed primordial magnetic Monopole Kether Shiva Lingam Symbol of the spiritual creative power of the earth. This  power was created by the gravitational force of matter (Tzimtzum), whereby its spirit Ain Sof transcended itself and thus the creative power for matter-bound life arose. ==> Higher-developed life is always bound to that planet where it originated. ==> The copernican principle does not apply for higher-developed life and consciousness. Symbol of spiritual creativity in our genes. (Kundalini Shakti) The concept of “ heaven and earth ” in Genesis The World Mountain Kind regards, Hubert R.