The four sacred rivers in the Torah

Regarding the four hl. rivers, the Torah sais as follows:
“And a river went out from Eden to water the garden; from there it divided and became four rivers. The first is called Pishon; it is the river who encircles all the land of Havilah where the gold is. The gold of that land is good; there is also bdellium and the precious stone onyx. The second river is called the Gihon; it is the river that flows around the whole land of Cush. The third river is called the Tigris; it flows east of Assyria. The fourth river is the Euphrates” (Genesis 2:10-14).

Here is the interpretation of it:
“And a river went out from Eden to water the garden”
  • The river:
    The lunar axis or the tidal power of the moon
  • The garden Eden:
    The planet earth
  • Watering the garden:
    Development of the spiritual creative power of the earth
"from there it divided and became four rivers"
  • The river that divided:
    The creative power of earth that now unfolds the blueprint of life.
  • The four rivers:
    The four rivers here stand for the four nucleobases of genetics or the sky directions.
"The Four Rivers: Pishon, Gihon, Tigirs, and Euphrates"
  • Exact meaning: the four nucleobases of genetics
  • Simplified: The four cardinal points or sky directions
Note: Since life should only function in the near-Earth area, it doesn't matter which interpretation is used. Because both have the same spatial scope, namely the near-Earth area wheras earth builds always the center.

As usual in mystical texts, there are several ways of interpreting this text in a meaningful way. Meaningful in the "age of modernity" means that somebody can derive a verifiable conclusion out of it, like:
  1. Human life should only function in the near-Earth area and therefore a manned mission to Mars should fail.
  2. Psychosomatic problems during long-term stays on the moon can be avoided or at least alleviated by some(!) spiritual practices.
  3. In certain unexplained deaths, circa-lunar anomalies may be visible. See: (Link_en)
Kind regards,
Hubert R.


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