Aron HaKodesch

Reflections on the term 'Aron HaKodesch' (holy shrine with the laws of creation):
- Ain Sof in the state of Tzimzum
- The presumed primordial magnetic Monopole
- Kether
- Shiva Lingam
- Symbol of the spiritual creative power of the earth.
This power was created by the gravitational force of matter (Tzimtzum), whereby its spirit Ain Sof transcended itself and thus the creative power for matter-bound life arose.
==> Higher-developed life is always bound to that planet where it originated.
==> The copernican principle does not apply for higher-developed life and consciousness. - Symbol of spiritual creativity in our genes. (Kundalini Shakti)
- The concept of “heaven and earth” in Genesis
- The World Mountain
Kind regards,
Hubert R.
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