Nāṭya Mandir, the Hill-sphere of Earth

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Nāṭya Mandir translates as “place of dance”. In this thesis, the term “place of dance” is equal to:

  • The Hill-spere of the earth (astrophysics - link)
  • or the term “near-earth area”

Nāṭya Mandir, the place where life dances - the Hill-Sphere:





The Place of Dance” is that area around the Earth where the dance of life can be performed. Since the earth's gravity(Shakti) plays a central role in the creation of life, the size of the "place of dance" is determined by it.

The meaning of the "circle with the dot":
The mystical symbol of the circle with the dot in the middle is of central importance for this thesis. On one hand, this symbol stands for the "spiritual light of biological creation" but on the other hand it also exactly represents the metaphysics of the near-earth area indicated here.

The dot in the middle:
The dot represents both, the center of creation and the center of gravity and thus points to the physical earth.

The circle:
The circle symbolizes the effective radius of gravity or the effective radius of biological creation.

Aramandi and Tzimtzum:

In Jewish mysticism, the symbol of the "circle with the dot" is associated with the process of Tzimtzum (Link) of the spirit Ain Sof (Shakti) that creates as a result the space for creation.

Since the physical counterpart to Tzimtzum is the self-gravity of planet Earth, the principle of "creating space for creation" can be transferred directly to the Hill sphere of the Earth(near-Earth area).

Symbolism of Aramandi:
Through the low position of the legs, the dancer draws the strength that expresses the dance.
The analogy to Jewish mysticism is as follows: God's self-limitation(Tzimtzum) creates the potential for creation. The dancer's outstretched arms indicate the sphere of influence of biological creation, the Hill sphere.

Translated into the language of modernity:
Through the self-gravity of matter with its (Kundalini) spirit(Shakti), the planet Earth with its creative space was created.

The circle symbolizes here:

  • the Hill space (astronomy)
  • the near-earth area
  • the term “heaven” (Genesis)
  • the scope of biological creation
  • the spiritual love of creation
  • Extremophilia (biology)

The point in the middle is here:

  • for the center which represents the origin of (biological) creation
  • for planet Earth
  • for the term "Earth" (Genesis)
  • for the Earth's center of gravity.for the binding of all life to the (gravity of) the earth.

General information about Earth's Hill sphere:
The Eartj's hill-spere has a radius of around 1.5 million km. If we leave this area, we also leave the space of biological creation. A manned mission to Mars would therefore have to fail.

Reference to Genesis/Bible:
The phrase "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" means:
In the beginning, the spiritual creative power(Shakti, Ain Sof) created through self-gravity(Tzimtzum) the Hill sphere of the earth(The Heaven) with its physical earth(The Earth). Therefore, in my opinion, the sentence above from the Genesis refers to this metaphysical process of creation; The planet Earth emerged with its spiritual creative potential, which fills the complete Hill sphere.

The breath of God that hovers over the waters:
This symbolizes the tidal power of the moon.

And God said, “Let there be light”:
This phrase symbolizes the emergence of life on Earth.







Hubert R., January 2024

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