Natyarambe and the mystery of biological creation

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In the Indian temple dance I can clearly see the assumed metaphysical laws of the near-earth area. Many gestures and positions express this very well for me, such as: the starting position: Natyarambe.

"Natyarambe" and the assumed metaphysics of the earth:

The bent knees:
The bent knees indicate the earth's own gravity, from which the dance (of life) draws its spiritual power. Here too it can be sene that the earth's gravity plays a central role in creation, because the bending of the legs causes the fan of the dance dress to unfold, i.e. the codon wheel of genetics. Which means that through Tzimtzum (contraction) the blueprint of life is expressed out of matter ==> Gravity plays a central role in the emergence of (higher) developed life.

The outstretched arms:
These show the scope of the biological laws, which in this thesis is identified with the Hill-sphere of astrophysics. This is also referred here as the near-earth area.

The dance dress with the fan:
As mentioned above, this symbolically shows the code sun of genetics.

The dancer's pelvis:
The physical earth with the earth's core - the world egg

Hastas indicate the laws of life.
Note: To enlarge the images, simply click on them.

The braided hair braid:

The hair braid shows different stages of development of the Kundalini spirit.
Note: To enlarge the images, simply click on them.

Viewed from top to bottom
- the creation of the world (~Big Bang theory)
As during the Big Bang, the cosmic consciousness (Shakti) surged into the depths of being. At the bottom, this created the matter in which the Kundalini spirit sleeps.

Viewed from bottom up - the evolution of life and consciousness
Through the emergence of life, the Kundalini spirit transcends itself into higher states of being:
- Moola --> bacteria, plants
- Svadhisthana --> reptiles
- Manipura --> mammals
- Anahata --> humans

And what can be derived from this thesis?
a) Human life is tied to the earth's gravitational force.
     This inconspicuous and invisible force is 'Shakti'. She is both the creator and the ruler of all life in this world.
b) The size of the near-earth area(Hill sphere) is defined by the earth's gravitational force. If this is area is left, human life will perish.

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Hubert R, January 2024


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