Olam HaTohu - the great emptiness/chaos of the primordial universe

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In Jewish creation mythology, creation is described in stages (so-called worlds).
These are: Atzliuth, Beri'ah, Yetzira, Assiah

I adopt this principle of the four worlds and use it to describe four stages of development of Earth's metaphysics as follows:

Stage of development 'Atzliuth': The formation of the earth around 4.5 billion years ago
State of biological creation: Olam Hatohu - emptiness and chaos
The word 'emptiness' means there was no life on earth yet. The word 'chaos' means that biological laws did not yet exist.

Stage of evolution 'Beri'ah': The formation of the moon around 4.3 billion years ago
State of biological creation: preparation for the emergence of life

Stage of development 'Yetzira': The emergence of the first life forms
State of biological creation: bacteria.

Stage of development 'Assiah': The emergence of higher developed forms of life
State of biological creation: eukaryotes.

Regarding the term: “Olam HaTohu”:
The term: "Olam HaTohu - the great emptiness/chaos of the primordial universe" describes the state of the earth's biological cosmos immediately after its creation.

With this interpretation I would like to show the reader that terms in creation myths such as: 'cosmos, (primordial) universe, world' do not necessarily have to refer to the physical cosmos, but sometimes refer to the biological cosmos, i.e. to the creation of life on earth. Words like chaos or emptiness describe the (yet) non-existence of biological laws or life on earth.

About the term “Tohuwabohu / Jetzira”:
The principle of 'Jetzira' and 'Tohuwabohu' can also be applied to the near-earth area and the interplanetary space.

  • In interplanetary space can also be seen as the world of 'Tohuwabohu'
    That means it is a world without biological order
  • The near-earth area (Hill sphere) can be seen as the world of 'Jetzira'.
    Here in this area, planet earth and therefore the formation of life is at the center.

Regarding the term “Tzimtzum”:
As you can see, the principle of Tzimtzum (contraction) plays a central role in the origins of the earth and thus also of life.

Hubert R., January 2024

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