Samudra Manthan and the metaphysics of the near-earth area

Who doesn't know the story of Samudra Manthan with the demons who run around the world mountain to recover the Amrit? There could be a secret behind this nondescript story, namely the secret of the origin of life and the reason why humans will never reach Mars.

But before I go into this topic in detail, a few explanations first.

About the term: “Shakti”
The spiritual creative force “Shakti” can best be associated with the gravitational force of the earth. She is invisible and inconspicuous, but still has omnipotence over her creatures. And that is us and the life on earth under whose influence it came into being.

About the term: “Shiva”
Around 4.3 billion years ago, the earth's moon came into being and its tidal force "Shiva-Shakti" arose with it. This special form of Shakti not only created the lunar nodal axis, i.e. the world serpent, but also the two demonic forces
• Asuri-Shakti --> the High tide
• Devi-Shakti --> the Low-Tide
Through these tidal forces of the moon, the Earth's gravitational force (Shakti) was cultivated to such an extent that life can emerge from it.

The number 108
The number 108 also plays an important role here. It specifies the proportions between the sun, moon and earth which must be present so that the creative power of the earth can be sufficiently cultivated and thus the miracle of life can arise. If the planet, its moon or sun is too big or too small or too far away, the magic of life cannot unfold!

The Magic behind the Evolution of Life:
The earth's moon with its tidal force and its lunar nodes takes on the role of the demons, which run around the world mountain with the world rope “Vasuki” in their hands. Here begins the churning of the ocean of milk.

The creation of bacteria, or the moment when milk was churned into butter:
The story goes: By churning the ocean of milk, milk was turned into butter. Milk here represents the organic elements and butter simply represents bacteria. How is butter made? Well, through a fermentation process from bacteria! The creation of this is symbolically represented here.

The great oxidation event: The moment as the world mountain began to sink:
After the demons vigorously stirred the world mountain to retrieve the Amrit, a problem arose, the world mountain began to sink. This symbolically describes what science calls the "Great Oxidation Event."(Link). Due to the emergence of bacteria, oxygen accumulated in the earth's atmosphere, which, however, cannot be processed by bacteria. Due to this circumstance, the bacteria on Earth would have almost 'suffocated' if more highly developed life had not emerged around 2.4 billion years ago (under circumstances that have not yet been clearly clarified).

The emergence of higher-evolved Life: The moment as Vishnu came to save the world:

Through the emergence of higher developed life on Earth, life on Earth was saved from extinction. This not only can, but must process the oxygen in the earth's atmosphere.

Recovering the Rathnas - the evolution of life
Now nothing could stand in the way of retrieving the Amrit. Life on earth unfolded step by step. This is symbolized by the retrieval of the Rathnas from the World Ocean.

Dhanvantari with the Amrit - the modern man:
Finally, Dhanvantari emerged from the ocean of the world with the Amrit. Dhanvantari symbolizes us humans. And the Amrit stands for cosmic consciousness, which is immortal. Hence the association with Amrit, the nectar of immortality.

What is the moral of this story?

Now very simple: The gravitational force of the earth (Shakti) and its moon (Shiva) are of central importance for the emergence of human life. If we leave the area of Shakti, human life perishes.

The Hill Sphere, Shakti's Dominion:
The relevant sovereignty of the earth's spiritual creativity would be the Hill space or the Hill sphere. The term comes from astrophysics and is defined there as the area where the earth's gravitational force is stronger than of the sun. See: (Link). The Hill sphere can also be called “near-earth area” 

What happens to people when they leave Hill sphere?

  1. Infertility: Fertility is certainly no longer present away from Earth, i.e. if you make it to Mars, the crew is threatened with death by starvation because nothing grows away from the area near Earth.
  2. Unexpected death: It is also possible that the crew dies after leaving the Hill room. I basically see two options here.
    Note: The exact cause of death depends on personality and can therefore only be estimated here.
    1. Rapid death: Sometimes death occurs within a few hours, perhaps even minutes, after leaving the Hill room. Cause: Sudden cardiac death, respiratory arrest, or death from weakness. 
    2. Gradual death: After leaving the Hill sphere, vegetative disorders become more and more common among the crew. The crew dies after a few weeks. (first estimate: 4-6 weeks). The occurrence of visions or delusions would also be possible here.
  3. Mummification: In the event that the laws of bacteria no longer work outside of the Hill-Sphere, mummification of the deceased bodies will occur.

Creation of Life and Kabbalah:
The Kabbalah with the Book of Zohar provides me with important insights into the "Why" the earth's gravitational force is the true creative force of life and not quantum physics. Here it goes something like this: Through G‑d's self-limitation (Tzimtzum), the empty space arose around the centre in which the cosmos emerged. With the word “cosmos” the biological cosmos is meant. With the word “Tzimtzum” the principle of self-gravity is meant or the principle of accretion (Link)

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Hubert R., January 2024


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