The symbolism of the Mooladhara Chakra

The symbolism of the Mooladhara Chakra is truly worth explaining in more detail to get an overall picture of the metaphysics behind biological creation. 

The symbolism of the Mooladhara Chakra allows two perspectives:

First perspective "Genetics": The Mooladhara Chakra shows the Kundalini spirit in our genes. The four petals symbolize the four nucleic bases of genetics. The lotus is an allusion to the code sun of genetics (Link).
However, in order to understand this thesis exactly, it is necessary to go to the deepest level of material creation.

Second perspective "Particle physics": The Mooladhara Chakra also shows the Kundalini spirit in the matter of atoms. The four petals represent the four gauge bosons of the atoms. The lotus is also a symbol of the Standard Model of particle physics (Link). The seven trunks of Airavata stand for the seven electron orbitals around the atom.

Gravity of Earth, the makeshift bridge for the creation of life

This Kundalini spirit is also immeasurable for the origin of life. But in order to get out from its cage, the atomic nucleus, it needs a makeshift bridge. This makeshift bridge is built by the gravitational force of the earth and its moon, i.e. Shiva and Shakti. The Kundalini spirit in the matter of our body is also the Amrit in the story of Samudra Manthan, which needs to be recovered through the “churn of the ocean of milk”.

Hubert R, January 2024 

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