Tzimtzum and the stellar fusion, a Shiva Shambo

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The importance of Tzimtzum(~self-gravity) in combination with creation of matter can be seen in the stellar fusion. Due to selfgravity, the process of Nucleosynthesis is triggered.

Formation of the chemical elements during stellar fusion, a Shiva Shambo:

The result out of the Tzimtzum state of a star is the creation of new chemical elements.

Tzimtzum and the creation of life:
Due to the self-gravity pull of earth, the 'metaphysical fusion of organic elements' is possible and life can emerge. Similar to stellar-fusion also the 'fusion of organic elements' can only work in that area where the gravity pull of the corresponding celestial object is sufficently high. For creation of life this should be the Hill-Sphere of planet Earth.

The result out of the Tzimtzum state of planet Eart are forms of life. Creation ex nihilo, so to speak

A thumb-rule for understanding the importance of gravity and its center
Creation needs always a center, because only in the center lies the idea, the plan for creation. That's why the Hill-sphere plays such an important role in this thesis. Only within the Hill-sphere the gravity-pull of earth can ensure that matter particles gravitationally point to the center of earth, where the construction plan of life is conceptionalized. Similar to a fertilized egg.

Olam HaNekudim - the stage of conception:
The center of a star or a planet is the place of Olam HaNekudim, the place where the conception for the further evolution of matter takes place. That's why gravity and its center play in this thesis a fundamental role, as without them no conception would start and without conception no chemical elements or life would emerge.

Hubert R., January 2024

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