What is the origin of consciousness?

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According to my thesis, the origin of consciousness is a spirit in matter, which in yoga is called "Kundalini Shakti". Through the metabolism of life forms, it transcends itself into higher states of being. In the nerve cells of the human brain it then reaches the highest state of being, called the “awaking state”.

This principle is also represented by “Jacob’s Ladder”:




If the spirit in matter reaches strong states of transcendence, visions can occur which symbolically show the laws of the vessel in which the spirit is located, i.e. laws of matter or life. With these simple words it can be easily explained why mystical stories can contain scientific laws.

The importance of the Earth and Moon in the emergence of life and consciousness:

However, in order for this spirit to escape from its cage, matter, it needs a makeshift bridge. This is created by the gravitational force of the earth(Shakti) and its moon(Shiva). From this it follows: Human consciousness and life can no longer function away from Earth.

What exactly would happen if we would leave the near-earth area?

The image on the left shows the extreme case that could occur if life leaves the Earth's Hill sphere.

In this possible extreme case, the organic elements would completely lose the ability to behave according to the laws of genetics, since the Kundalini spirit is unable to manifest the biological laws without a makeshift bridge. It goes back to where it came from, back into matter. The matter itself from which the genes are made then start to behave purely according to physical laws. It would be as if the organic elements far from Earth would lose the magic of life.

Cause of the "spirit in matter":
This could be a fast spinning, diluted(thinned-out) magnetic monopole with a (kundalini) string.

  • The assumed monopole would be in its thinned state, pure spirit, i.e. Shakti.
  • Its string would be the cause of the three forces of nature, including gravity

Hubert R, January 2024

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