Olam HaNekudim – the principle of conception
Note : To enlarge the images, just click on them Here are a few reflections about the word Olam HaNekudim , the " world of points ": From my point of view, the concept of Olam HaNekudim , describes the principle of " conception of creation ". Before it comes to the next step of the creation, the laws of the coming world (Olam Haba) must "mature", i.e. reach a valid state. This maturing process is described in the Kabbalah as Olam HaNekudim. Whereas the "points" (Nekudim) represent basic principles of creation itself, such as natural constants. The maturation process is then completed as soon as these nature constants (points) have a meaningful and therefore valid relation to each other. If this is reached, the next stage of the creation begins. This is always marked with a break of the vessels (symmetry break or mutation) , which leads to a decline of the old world with its old laws (vessels) , from whose shards (Qliphots) the " new wor...